This FAQ is intended as a resource to help answer the most commonly-asked questions that the ETA receives. It contains the following subsections:
The Election Truth Alliance (ETA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting election analysis, fostering discussion, and advocating peaceful actions to uncover and challenge irregularities in election results that could be the result of manipulation.
The ETA is a data-driven organization committed to the principle that every eligible voter has the right to vote and have their vote counted accurately. The organization's mission is to support transparent, independent audit and advocacy to ensure that election results have been sufficiently audited to safeguard fair and free elections.
Our membership is made up of passionate volunteers from multiple countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. We are data analysts, political scientists, advocates, and other concerned individuals.
Currently, the organization is pursuing investigations and paper ballot audits of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, particularly key swing states. Our long-term goal is to ensure that the public is equipped with vital information about the security and legitimacy of their vote.
In short, no.
It’s never too late to know the truth. The Election Truth Alliance will continue pushing forward to seek more information or legally require counties in key states to undertake recounts/investigations into the results.
Our reason for this is twofold:
Healthy skepticism is a good thing!
The ETA has identified several non-swing states as eventual targets for data analysis packages, including Texas, Florida, and Iowa. Because swing states often decide the outcome of U.S. Presidential elections, non-swing states are a lower priority once analysis of at least one county in each of the seven swing states is complete. Exact timing is uncertain as it will be dependent on volunteer capacity.
The ETA has worked quickly to build relationships with other organizations focused on election integrity. At this time, all of these organizations are based in the U.S. We are open and interested in working with similar organizations in other countries or with an international focus. Interested organizations can reach out to the Executive Board of the ETA via
We are not directly partnered with any other organization. To date, we have worked most closely with SMART Elections, including working collaboratively to develop and deliver a livestream together in January 2025.
The ETA has identified evidence that suggests vote tampering and non-human patterns in voting data. Evidence, however, is not the same as proof.
Obtaining definitive ‘proof’ will require hand audits of paper ballot records. The rules for who can compel such an action to be taken varies state-by-state, and sometimes varies further by local government.
The single most important thing you can do is to normalize the conversation regarding the need to ensure that elections are secure and verified to make sure all votes are counted fairly and accurately.
Other key ways you can help include:
Broadly, there are three metrics we consider when measuring the impact of the ETA. They range from being more subjective to more objective depending on the metric.
The ETA was formed, in part, because the founding members were unable to identify other existing organizations doing this specific work in this space.
We Do:
We Do Not:
All of the ETA’s membership are volunteers. The work undertaken by volunteers includes everything from data analysis and visualization to copy editing, social media management, graphic design and video editing, human resources, fundraising, and more.
To express interest in volunteering with the ETA, please sign-up via our Volunteer Sign-Up Form.
As a newly-formed organization, the ETA is still in the process of formalizing our data analysis process.
Broadly, the process is as follows:
Our timelines for releasing data packages for specific states and counties largely comes down to human capacity and availability. Please note that:
Our overall priority remains the seven 2024 swing states. Our next target state is Pennsylvania. As we bring on additional data analysts to our team, our goal is to release further analysis within a shorter time frame.
The election result data used in our analysis generally comes from one of three places:
Because election reporting varies state-by-state, county-by-county, there are some exceptions to this – for example, some state or local governments direct their constituents to data compiled by third party organizations. Any such data will be specifically cited in a given analysis and included in the data package list of sources.
The type of data available and the format it comes in (e.g. .csv files versus .pdf files) can make a big difference to how much manual effort it takes to prepare the data for analysis, and the extent to which there may be risk of human error in moving data from one format into another.
Our team is made up of individuals with expertise from multiple fields and perspectives.
This includes but is not limited to:
There is always an opportunity for bias in any kind of analytical work. While the ETA is a non-partisan organization, in practice everyone has private political beliefs.
We seek to minimize the impacts of our internalized bias through:
The ETA welcomes (and enthusiastically encourages) peer review of our work, as well as constructive debate about our methodology and findings. Replicability and transparency are critical to our work.
One of the biggest challenges the ETA faces are the barriers and complexities involved in getting access to high-quality, reliable election data in a format that can be used for analysis. Most common challenges include:
Voter suppression involves tactics used to discourage or prevent specific groups of people from voting or registering to vote. Some tactics used to suppress voters are unlawful; others, however, use state and federal laws as the vehicle through which voter suppression is undertaken. Per the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), voter suppression in the United States disproportionately impacts people of color, students, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
Voter suppression is not the ETA’s area of expertise, as ballots that were suppressed cannot by definition be included in election result analysis. We encourage those interested in learning more about voter suppression to look into the works of individuals and organizations like Greg Palast (author and investigative journalist), Protect the Vote, the ACLU, and the Brennan Center for Justice.
While the term ‘vote manipulation’ can refer to less direct practices like having one’s vote influenced by disinformation, the ETA primarily uses the term to mean direct manipulation of votes that have been cast in a fraudulent manner. Vote manipulation can be done with paper ballots, or with electronic records of ballots cast.
Examples of vote manipulation include:
There are a lot of ways to influence the outcome of elections. Many of these are legal and normal parts of the campaign process; others, such as heavily gerrymandered electoral boundaries or suppressing the vote of a particular population, may be legal but undertaken for immoral reasons.
Other ways to influence outcomes – such as vote manipulation – are both generally illegal and may leave traces in election result data. These traces may be detectable using statistical methods.
Detecting vote manipulation through statistical methods opens a path to undertake targeted recounts, audits, and/or investigations into concerning results. This work can either verify the results as accurate, reassuring voters of the integrity of their vote, or identify fraudulent vote manipulation in a way that can empower officials and constituents to push for change in order to protect future election integrity.
Statistical analysis of election results can be particularly helpful in jurisdictions with electronic voting infrastructure, as such machinery is often proprietary and how they function is rarely transparent to the public.
Yes, though our ability to do so depends on whether comparable data is available.
For example, in the United States, there is a lot of variation in how election results are reported across different counties/cities. After 2020, some counties/states began posting election results by vote type – e.g. sharing which votes were cast via Mail-In ballot vs. Early Vote vs. on Election Day. The ETA would not be able to compare 2024 Mail-In Voting data to 2016 Mail-In Voting data in such a scenario, because there is no 2016 Mail-In Voting data to compare to. Other counties continue to only publish vote totals without any indicator of vote type.
Historic election results tend to be harder to find the further back in time you go. For example, in the U.S., there is a significant shift in data quality and availability between 2008 compared to 2004, likely due to how widespread internet usage was at the time of that election.
Yes, although whether fraud/manipulation can be definitively ‘proven’ often depends on the jurisdiction’s willingness to verify results in good faith. Dictatorships wherein a ruling party manipulates votes in their own favour are unlikely to investigate their own misdeeds. Regardless, uncovering manipulated election results in such scenarios can still be critical for communicating the legitimacy of the regime at home and abroad.
There are studies focused on elections in countries that were previously members of the Soviet Union, such as Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, etc. A technical study detailing one set of methods for analyzing election result data can be found here.
Independent election observer, data analyst, and forensic expert Roman Udot describes the change in Armenian election results pre- and post- Velvet Revolution:
“I gave lectures [in Armenia] on how rigged elections look. The authorities used to claim, ‘You don’t understand, that’s just how people in the villages vote — high turnout, and they love the government.’ Then the ‘Velvet Revolution’ happened, and the election commissions didn't follow Pashinyan’s orders, so he came to power without fraud. As a result, the [Russian Tail in the election result data] immediately disappeared, like a dog’s tail falling off. Now, there are no more unusually high turnouts in the mountain regions. Before, they were just fabricating the numbers, reporting inflated figures to please their superiors, and taking advantage of the fact that no one went there to monitor.”
The “Russian Tail” is an anomalous deviation from normal statistical distribution in election result data that may indicate falsification, particularly if only one candidate appears to benefit. This term was coined by Russian data analysts when reviewing their own elections.
The Russian Tail has appeared in elections wherein Russian election manipulation is suspected. This pattern has appeared in election result data for Russia’s own 2020 constitutional referendum (regarding whether the constitution should be amended to allow Vladimir Putin to serve additional terms as President), and, more recently, has been identified and cited as evidence of Russian meddling in the 2024 Georgian parliamentary elections.
A bell curve is a very common data pattern.
One way to analyze data is to represent that data visually – for example, through a chart or graph. When data forms a bell curve, most ‘values’ (the things that we’re measuring) fall close to the average (the ‘middle’ of the bell curve). The further away from the average a value is, the less likely it is.
When representing visually, whether or not the data you are representing ‘fits’ a bell curve can be an indicator of whether something unusual or unexpected happened.
With election result data, data that does not align with normal distribution could be explainable and innocent – such as a specific local dynamic. However, certain deviations from normal distribution can also be an indicator of interference – particularly if the pattern is seen in multiple places, and if only one candidate benefits.
While these terms may be used interchangeably, they describe different post-election processes. There are also different kinds of election audits.
Because all states are different, the ETA is taking a localized approach to advocating for audits and investigations. Our first effort will always be to work collaboratively with state and local governments. However, legal options are available in scenarios where state or local governments are reluctant to verify the vote in their jurisdiction.
Elections in the United States, including for the President, are operated by state, county, and (in some parts of the country) cities. It is therefore unlikely that firings at the federal level will directly impact state or local ability to initiate an audit or investigation.
Successfully urging states, counties, or cities to undertake hand audits of paper ballots and initiate investigations can be achieved using the following strategies:
Next steps following an audit or investigation, regardless of outcome, are certain to vary by county and state. Scale is also a factor, as the public and political reactions to the outcome of investigative steps may differ depending on the scope of any discrepancies identified and whether they have been identified in one or multiple states.
The residents of that jurisdiction can be reassured as to the integrity of their votes cast in the audited/investigated election.
The decentralized and variable nature of the American voting system means that practices and procedures – including equipment used in the voting process – vary significantly on a state-by-state, county-by-county basis. Critically, this means verifying paper ballots match the recorded vote totals in one county does not mean it should be assumed that vote manipulation did not occur in any other county.
No. Almost all election result data is an aggregation of ‘secret ballots’ cast – meaning there is no identifying information that could tie an individual to their vote. In situations where identifying information may be present (like in jurisdictions where voters are required to sign their name on the ballots themselves), the ETA will never distribute that information further than the official source.
At the ETA, our #1 priority is, and always will be, the safety, security, and wellbeing of our members. We stand by the principle that, no matter how urgent or critical our work is, we will not be able to do it effectively if our team has their personal safety compromised. Threats to jobs and fears of political or personal retribution are also significant considerations. While our work is non-partisan and deals in public data, anything that threatens the legitimacy of a preferred or ruling political party may be interpreted as a political threat.
As such, the ETA’s policy is that members can either choose to be public-facing or not public-facing. This allows individuals to participate and lend their skills to the ETA while limiting the risks associated with doing so. Every member of the ETA goes through an interview and onboarding process to confirm identity and to ascertain their intent. As an added safety precaution, additional vetting is required for any member allocated to work on more sensitive or confidential subject matter.
Once a member of the ETA produces an analysis that the ETA then shares publicly, the analysis ‘belongs’ to the ETA even if the analyst is credited. This is primarily for the analyst’s protection with respect to legal liability.
One of the key reasons the ETA was established was to provide the organizational structure to best protect individual members from potential retaliation in response to posting data. While such lawsuits would likely be deemed frivolous, they can still cause stress and financial hardship. If the information we post belongs to the ETA, any retaliation should be directed to the organization rather than the individual analyst.
Yes. The ETA is a statutory charity and has registered non-profit status in the United States. This means that we are formally recognized as an entity that was created for charitable or socially beneficial purposes rather than to make a profit.
Not yet. The ETA has submitted required paperwork to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to apply for “tax-exempt status”. (Note: In the U.S., tax-exempt status for non-profit organizations is often referred to as “501(c)(3) status” after the relevant section number in the Internal Revenue Code, the mechanism through which the U.S. Congress enacts federal tax law.) The ETA’s application for tax-exempt status is currently being reviewed and processed by the IRS, a process that generally takes a few months.
Because tax-exempt status is not guaranteed, and given the additional uncertainty associated with IRS timelines due to federal worker layoffs, the ETA currently reserves 30% of donations for tax purposes.
Everyone working as a member of the ETA, including members of the Executive Board, are unpaid volunteers. This includes members who have left or taken leave from their jobs in order to dedicate themselves full-time to the ETA's efforts.
No donation funds are used to compensate membership of the ETA for their labor at this time. However, as the organization grows over time, we plan to re-assess this model and determine whether stipends are appropriate for members who dedicate over a certain number of hours of work to the organization.
If volunteers use their own money for approved purchases to advance ETA work (e.g. printing flyers, travelling to a location to give a presentation) they are encouraged to submit receipts for reimbursement.
Initial expenses have focused primarily on the following:
External reporting will occur annually, with December 31 being the reporting year end.
The Election Truth Alliance operates through separate bank accounts owned by the company, which is a statutory charity. Our standard operating procedure requires unanimous agreement from all three Executive Directors to approve any spending decisions.
Like everyone else involved in the ETA, the Executive Directors are volunteers. They do not draw any salaries from donations, so 100% of funds are directed toward achieving ETA’s mission.
To date, the ETA has received a modest amount of funds through donations and has made minimal expenditures. We are currently in the process of establishing small financial reserves for potential legal and tax liabilities, as well as to support possible state or county-led hand ballot audits.
| Copyright © 2025 Election Truth Alliance - All Rights Reserved. | | 9107 West Russell Road Suite 100, Las Vegas, Nevada - 89148 |
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